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South Park Animal Hospital


South Park Animal Hospital is excited to begin offering endoscopy services. We are one of only a few hospitals in the area that offers this specialized technology, often found only at veterinary specialty facilities and universities.

This minimally invasive procedure allows our veterinarians to see inside your pet’s body and, when necessary, retrieve a foreign object or take biopsies (tissue samples) without having to make an incision. 

Endoscopy is most commonly used to examine the inside of the gastrointestinal tract; however, it can also be used to evaluate the upper respiratory tract. The endoscope is particularly valuable when used to retrieve swallowed objects from the stomach or esophagus, thus avoiding costly and invasive surgery. This means a much less painful and quicker recovery for your pet. To perform this procedure, the veterinarian inserts the endoscope (a long flexible tube with a light source and a video camera at one end) into the area to be examined. Utilizing a variety of grasping or biopsy instruments, our veterinarians can either retrieve an object or obtain a biopsy sample for evaluation. 

Endoscopy does require that your pet be placed under general anesthesia. However, as with all such procedures, we follow strict protocols and continually monitor your pet’s vital signs to help ensure his or her safety. 

If you have any questions about our endoscopy service or what to expect during your pet’s procedure, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Ask your veterinarian if endoscopy is right for your pet.